Article submission guidelines
Submission guidelines for articles, submitted to the “Bulletin of the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
The journal accepts articles, which comply with the following rules:
— Papers submitted for publication should contain original research not published earlier in any other print or electronic media and should not be submitted for consideration and publication to other journals;
— Papers should be signed by the author, if there are more than one author, by all co-authors of the article;
— article manuscript should be accompanied by the author’s questionnaire containing (for the author or each of the co-authors, in Russian and English): family name, given name, and patronymic (in full); place of work and position; complete postal address with area code; e-mail address and phone numbers (work, home, mobile).
Paper requirements:
— Topicality, high scientific level, well written;
— Papers should be interesting to a rather broad audience;
— Papers should not exceed one print sheet (40000 characters), including bibliography, tables and not more than 6 illustrations.
Manuscript is submitted to the editorial board in one hard copy on A4 paper and in an electronic form on any medium (CD, memory stick or via email to: Papers should be written in MS Word 2003. Postal address: 670047, Ulan-Ude, Sakhyanovoi, 6, Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan studies of the SB RAS, office 209. Handwritten copies are not accepted.
The electronic copy of a manuscript should comply with the following requirements:
— UDC index (in the upper left corner);
— Article title (capital letters in the left corner of the sheet), initials and family names of the authors, place of work in Russian;
— Abstract and keywords in Russian (not more than 400 characters including spaces;
— Text of the article;
— Title of the article (capital letters in the left corner of the sheet), initials and family names of the authors, place of work in English; email address;
— Abstract and keywords in English;
— Acknowledgements / indications of grant or financial support (if necessary) are placed on the first page as a footnote;
The text should be printed on A4 paper justified with account to margins (left – 25 mm, right – 20 mm, upper – 20 mm, lower – 20 mm), font Times New Roman, size 14, 1.5-spaced. Paragraph indention should be 1/25 cm throughout the entire text (space and Tab indention is not accepted). Quotation marks (“”), brackets, markers and other signs should be the same in the entire paper. Inside a paragraph words are separated with one space.
Pagination is mandatory (in the upper right corner).
Bibliography is placed at the end of a paper. Bibliography is formatted in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographical record. Bibliographical description. General requirements and rules” in alphabetical order. Bibliography should be numbered. References to cited sources in the text of an article should be presented as numbers corresponding to a number of a cited work in the bibliography and be enclosed in square brackets. Number of pages should necessarily be indicated in bibliographical descriptions of books.
Bibliography in Russian goes first followed by bibliography in foreign languages.
The author should cite all published and unpublished documents. Bibliographical descriptions in the list of literature are in the language of the publication. If there is a cited part in the text enclosed in quotation marks, page number in the cited source should be indicated (e.g. [4, p. 15]).
Hyphenation should be automatic (service, language, hyphenation). Do not use manual hyphenation.
Tables should be prepared in “Insert Table” mode, not in “Draw Table” mode. The word “Table” should be placed in the upper right corner. Table name should be placed in the middle. E.g.:
Table 1
If a table is large, it should be placed on a separate page or pages indicating them “Table 1 continued” respectively, or “End of table 1” (in upper right corner).
Each table is placed after a reference to it (e.g. Table 1) and should have a numerical and thematic heading. Table width should not exceed a type column. Tables should not contain a separate “Unit of measure” graph.
References to tables in the text are mandatory. If there is one table in the text, it is not numbered. Tables should not break sentences. They are placed after a paragraph. If a table is repeatedly referenced, (see Table 1) is placed. If a sentence starts with the word “table” this word is written in full. If it is in the middle or end of the sentence, it is abbreviated: (Tab. 1).
The author is fully responsible for the contents and style of a paper and translation quality of an abstract.
No more than three papers by one author can be published in one journal issue, including co-authored papers. All papers are published free of charge.
All submitted properly formatted papers should be accompanied by one external review by a specialist with a Doctor of Sciences degree. The paper submitted by the author is peer-reviewed by an expert holding Doctor of Sciences or Candidate of Sciences degree appointed by the editorial board. Reviews are kept by the editorial board of the journal for a period of five years and are presented upon request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The editorial staff presents copies of reviews to authors without indication of names, positions and places of work of a reviewer.
The editorial staff reserves the right to decline papers not in compliance with the above rules.
The editorial staff sends a substantiated refusal of publication to an author, submitted manuscripts are not returned.
Edited articles are not sent out to authors and all further revisions are done by the editorial staff based on the author’s original.
Submission of a paper to the editorial staff of the journal by an author (authors) implies agreement with the above rules, agreement to a free-access publication of a full version of an article on the Internet and on the official website of the Scientific Electronic Library of the Buryat Scientific Center, and in open press with the use of personal data.